“A strong and solid foundation of extreme courage, raised consciousness, a clear sense of direction and results beyond comparison has been laid with Annette´s program. We have become world leading within our field.

Taking a company beyond its potential is all about having the courage to aim for the stars. To climb all the way up, to draw the biggest lines and let that be the new standard. It requires tremendous courage. This level of courage was our turning point. Once there we never looked back. The bar is beyond maximum height and all operations are done from here. We continuously aim at the stars and this approach influences and heightens all parameters of life.

The program has kicked doors wide open for extremely high-end possibilities, ideas, impulses, chances and people to appear. I have come to attract top level business partners and employees by default. And most important: it works all by itself. Moreover, there is a self-reinforcing structure to it - when you are in a top position, others in that same league are obviously attracted to you. From here it is easy to proceed and create more of that. Attracting high-quality business has become a mechanism on autopilot.

As a leader I have become more distinct. My sense of direction is extremely clear. I lead the way and excel at driving things forward in that exact direction. My communication is clear and precise. I make clear distinctions between what is important and what is not. That said, the space within the frame offers a great deal of flexibility. In return I am met with openness, trust and loyalty from my employees.

My consciousness is widely expanded. I am extremely present and awake and function at several dimensions simultaneously. My senses catch every move, I decode every signal and sign. By instinct I immediately know when to act and I will miss no opportunity nor chance. My intuitive decision-making ability is sharp. It is quick, reliable and extremely result oriented. Trusting it releases a huge amount of resources and energy. 80% of my decisions – including the most important ones - are now based on intuition.

The art of timing I have learned to master. I sense it and trust completely the process of letting things mature. I will wait until it feels right. I leave projects, deals and even extremely crucial decisions open without hesitation or unrest until that precise moment presents itself where everything comes together perfectly. Not until then do I act. The outcome is constantly multiplied in my favor.

In terms of revenue, the company´s result has doubled in the last three years. Every year.
Our turnover has come from $ 15.000.000 to $ 75.000.000 in three years.

This is the brilliance of Annette´s work. Transforming you and your company into top level business that is world leading within its field”.

Thomas, CEO
(available for interview)